初次加载需大约一分钟,黑屏属于正常现象 The initial loading takes about a minute, and a black screen is normal


CiGA Game Jam 2024 作品,冒险解密游戏。在这个充满挑战与希望的世界中,你将扮演一名有认知障碍的孩子,勇敢地跨越视线所限,打破眼前的桎梏,找到通往救赎的道路。视野,有时反而会成为束缚;当你闭上眼睛,才会发现真正的无限可能!CiGA Game Jam 2024 Entry, an adventure puzzle game. In this world filled with challenges and hope, you will take on the role of a child with cognitive disabilities, bravely transcending the limitations of sight and breaking through the barriers before you to find the path to redemption. Vision can sometimes be a constraint; only when you close your eyes will you discover the true, boundless possibilities!

更新32关完整版,包含单角色、双角色模式,并新增1种属性方块和21个全新关卡!本次更新应为此游戏最后一次更新。UPDATE: 32 levels full version with single character and dual character modes, 1 new attribute cube and 21 brand new levels! This update should be the last update for this game.

-- 目前仅支持简体中文 Only supports Simplified Chinese for now --

Updated 25 days ago

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